About Keirzo
Keirzo is an active robot platform at Macquarie University, being developed by Richard Savery
Keirzo is a robotic musician, focused on collaborating and interacting with humans. All elements of Keirzo are generated through their own artificial intelligence, from their lyrics and voice, their musical compositions and even the way it practices and plays the drums.
Crucially, Keirzo focuses on ethical and considered interactions with people, using only datasets that have been given to the robot for training and learning. This training prioritizes collaborating and working with musicians directly.
Keirzo is currently developing extended techniques for interacting with humans and preparing for more performances and collaborations in the coming years.
This project was developed as part of a Macquarie University Research Fellowship. More information in the video below or check out a recent article in Macquarie Universities ‘The Lighthouse’.
- Giving cobots the human touch through biomimicry, 2023, UTS News.
- Studio 10 interview with Daniel Doody, Channel 10, October 11th, 2023.
- Come Alive at Parramatta Lanes, Herald Sun, October 11th, 2023. Interview with Parramatta Lord Mayor Pierre Esber.
- Rap with Robots, The National Tribune, 28th Sep 2023.
- Robot Rock — A Viable New Music Genre, 25th of July 2023, 2SER 107.3.
- Meet the band’s new drummer … Keirzo the robot, March 27th, 2023, The Lighthouse.
- Musical Robots, 27th of Jan 2023, 2SER 107.3.
- Rapping robots, musical machines, and creative AI, The B-Side with James Barrow, July 17th 2022.
- 10 questions with… Richard Savery, This Week MQ, 12th June, 2022.
- Roundtable with the Hon. Anoulack Chanthivong, Macquarie Univesity, December 2023: Jazz background music and performances between talks
- AESOP Music Installation, Pitt St, Sydney, November 2023: Robot drums installed front of shop in Pitt St for three weeks.
- United Nations International Day of Care and Support, United Nations, New York, November 2023: Keirzo Software interactions with New York local musicians.
- Australasian Computer Music Conference, October 2023, Parramatta: Lunchtime interactions with conference attendees.
- Parramatta Lanes Festival, October 2023: Four nights of rapping and drumming with general audience participation.
- Arts after Dark, October 2023: Night performance hosted by Peter Greste.
- Macquarie University Open Day, August 2023: Interacting with future students.
- Macquarie University Lunchtime Creative Arts Showcase, April 2023: Presentation of the robot system.
- 188C Installations, 2023: Demonstrations for MQ Outreach At Widening Participation Unit.